Open Call for Advisees and Collaborators, September 2024

GCRI is currently welcoming inquiries from people who are interested in seeking our advice and/or collaborating with us as part of our sixth annual Advising and Collaboration Program. Inquiries may cover any aspect of global catastrophic risk. We welcome inquiries from people at any career point, including students, any academic or professional background, and any place in the world.

Participation does not necessarily entail any significant time commitment. It can consist of anything from a short email exchange to more extensive project work

Students and early-career professionals: Global catastrophic risk is a challenging and multifaceted topic. People who are just starting out are often unsure about how they might fit in or how they can best pursue a career in the field. They can also benefit from guidance from more senior people in the field as well as networking opportunities. We welcome people with any background and interests who wish to learn more and advance their studies and careers.

Mid-career and senior professionals: We welcome both people new to global catastrophic risk and veteran experts. We can provide advice, feedback on ideas and activities, networking, and some project collaboration opportunities. For those who are new to the field, we can help them leverage their prior professional backgrounds to make advanced contributions to global catastrophic risk, including for people with unconventional backgrounds.

A note on diversity and inclusion: GCRI believes deeply in the importance of supporting people from underrepresented demographic groups within the field of global catastrophic risk and we have a strong track record in doing so. Demographics can include race, gender, geographic location, and more. We therefore wish to encourage inquiries from people from underrepresented demographic groups.

Individuals interested in participating should email Dr. Seth Baum, seth [at] Please include a short description of your background and interests, what you hope to get out of your interaction with GCRI, a resume/CV or a link to your professional website (or similar such as LinkedIn), and the location where you are based. There is no deadline for submission, and we anticipate keeping the program open for several months unless otherwise specified.

We look forward to hearing from you.

This post was written by
Seth Baum is Executive Director of the Global Catastrophic Risk Institute.
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