Dear friends,
I am delighted to announce that GCRI is currently hiring for the position of Junior Research Assistant and Project Manager. This is a great opportunity for someone seeking to make an impact and advance their career in global catastrophic risk. Additionally, GCRI has recently launched a new advising and collaboration program for people at all career points interested in our active AI projects. Please see below for details of both of these items. They are both made possible by a generous recent donation from Gordon Irlam.
We would be most grateful if you could distribute information about these two opportunities to people who may be interested.
Seth Baum, Executive Director
Job Posting: Junior Research Assistant and Project Manager
GCRI is seeking to hire one or more people for research assistant and project manager roles. We aim to hire one person on a full-time basis or multiple people on a part-time basis. This position would support a range of research and administrative tasks, and would initially be focused on AI projects. The salary would be between $35,000 and $60,000 a year (or the equivalent for part-time work), depending on education, experience, and location. This position is only available to people with a legal right to work in the US. No relocation would be required; the work could be done remotely from anywhere in the US. More information about the position and how to apply is available here.
Call for Advisees and Collaborators on Select AI Projects
GCRI has announced a call for advisees and collaborators on our active AI projects. We welcome inquiries from people interested in seeking our advice and/or collaborating with us on our AI projects. Our AI projects are on collective action, corporate governance, ethics, expert judgment, global strategy, international institutions, national security, R&D programs, and safety practices. Details on the AI projects and how to get involved are available here.
GCR Session at the Society for Risk Analysis Meeting
GCRI hosted a global catastrophic risk session at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis. The session was chaired by GCRI Director of Research Tony Barrett and included talks by GCRI Executive Director Seth Baum, GCRI Special Advisor for Government Affairs Jared Brown, and GCRI Senior Advisor Gary Ackerman, as well as Arden Rowell of the University of Illinois College of Law and Paul Slovic of Decision Research and the University of Oregon. GCRI Director of Research Tony Barrett also presented a poster at the meeting.