GCRI is hosting a session on Global Catastrophic Risks at the 2019 meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) in Arlington, VA. SRA is the leading professional society for all types of risk. SRA brings together researchers from many disciplines as well as professionals from government, industry, nonprofits, and other sectors.
GCRI Director of Research Tony Barrett is chairing the session. It will feature talks by GCRI Executive Director Seth Baum, GCRI Special Advisor for Government Affairs Jared Brown, GCRI Senior Advisor Gary Ackerman, University of Oregon professor Paul Slovic, and University of Illinois College of Law professor Arden Rowell. GCRI is thrilled to have distinguished scholars like professors Slovic and Rowell included in our session by the SRA program committee alongside GCRI affiliates. For information about the sessions GCRI has hosted at previous SRA meetings please see our Society for Risk Analysis Meetings page.